Friday, December 5, 2008


Dear Mr. Prime minister

I am a typical mouse from Mumbai. In the local train compartment which has capacity of 100 persons, I travel with 500 more mouse. Mouse at least squeak but we don't even do that.
Today I heard your speech. In which you said 'NO BODY WOULD BE SPARED'. I would like to remind you that fourteen years has passed since serial bomb blast in Mumbai took place. Dawood was the main conspirator. Till today he is not caught. All our bolywood actors, our builders, our Gutka king meets him but your Government can not catch him. Reason is simple; all your ministers are hand in glove with him. If any attempt is made to catch him everybody will be exposed. Your statement 'NOBODY WOULD BE SPARED' is nothing but a cruel joke on this unfortunate people of India.
Enough is enough. As such after seeing terrorist attack carried out by about a dozen young boys I realize that if same thing continues days are not away when terrorist will attack by air, destroy our nuclear reactor and there will be one more Hiroshima.
We the people are left with only one mantra. Womb to Bomb to Tomb. You promised Mumbaikar Shanghai what you have given us is Jalianwala Baug.
Today only your home minister resigned. What took you so long to kick out this joker? Only reason was that he was loyal to Gandhi family. Loyalty to Gandhi family is more important than blood of innocent people, isn't it?
I am born and bought up in Mumbai for last fifty eight years. Believe me corruption in Maharashtra is worse than that in Bihar. Look at all the politician, Sharad Pawar, Chagan Bhujbal, Narayan Rane, Bal Thackray , Gopinath Munde, Raj Thackray, Vilasrao Deshmukh all are rolling in money. Vilasrao Deshmukh is one of the worst Chief minister I have seen. His only business is to increase the FSI every other day, make money and send it to Delhi so Congress can fight next election. Now the clown has found new way and will increase FSI for fisherman so they can build concrete house right on sea shore. Next time terrorist can comfortably live in those house , enjoy the beauty of sea and then attack the Mumbai at their will.
Recently I had to purchase house in Mumbai. I met about two dozen builders. Everybody wanted about 30% in black. A common person like me knows this and with all your intelligent agency & CBI you and your finance minister are not aware of it. Where all the black money goes? To the underworld isn't it? Our politicians take help of these goondas to vacate people by force. I myself was victim of it. If you have time please come to me, I will tell you everything.
If this has been land of fools, idiots then I would not have ever cared to write you this letter. Just see the tragedy, on one side we are reaching moon, people are so intelligent and on other side you politician has converted nectar into deadly poison. I am everything Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Schedule caste, OBC, Muslim OBC, Christian Schedule caste, Creamy Schedule caste only what I am not is INDIAN. You politician have raped every part of mother India by your policy of divide and rule.
Take example of former president Abdul Kalam. Such a intelligent person, such a fine human being. You politician didn't even spare him. Your party along with opposition joined the hands, because politician feels they are supreme and there is no place for good person.
Dear Mr Prime minister you are one of the most intelligent person, most learned person. Just wake up, be a real SARDAR. First and foremost expose all selfish politician. Ask Swiss bank to give name of all Indian account holder. Give reins of CBI to independent agency. Let them find wolf among us. There will be political upheaval but that will better than dance of death which we are witnessing every day. Just give us ambient where we can work honestly and without fear. Let there be rule of law. Everything else will be taken care of.
Choice is yours Mr. Prime Minister. Do you want to be lead by one person or you want to lead the nation of 100 Crore people?
Prakash B. Bajaj
Chandralok 'A" Wing, Flat No 104
97 Nepean Sea Road
Mumbai 400 036
Phone 98210-71194

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I am Human from India

Hello all the Indians and all those who know about Indian and Indians. Well I have heard that Country is known by its people, and i believe in that too. I often see that when ever it comes to comment on India, out of those comments most of the comments will go against India and Indians and by surprise most of those are commented by Indians only. Well people often see bad things first and then make there mind. I believe that if show only bad things to some one then more bad things will come up and if you show good things then more good things will generate. Every country has both good and bad things in its bag. One cannot feel relax if there no pain.

When it comes to India, first thing which comes in mind is its population. Now India has successfully crossed the target of 1 Billion, which means that every 6th person is an Indian, and by the end of 2030 if things go like this then we can proudly say that ’’Indians are most living creatures in this planet’’. Well people take this in wrong way. we often talk about universal family, so guys just think of it, we will have great pride of serving this world more then any one else.

Second thing which people talk about Indian is its well known politics and the Politicians. Well i think Pollution and Politics has close relation world wide. I don’t think that any country has good politics and politicians. If politics would have been good thing then why we say that ’’he or she is playing politics’’ in bad sense.?

3rd thing which people don’t like about India is Corruption. Well what do i say about that. Many time i use to think that who is responsible for this corruption, the one who is taking bribe or the one who is giving bribe. I think one who is giving bribe is more responsible for this. We often say that ’’Go to any government office in India and the officers their would try their best to make your life tough so that your work is not done. These people have never heard anything about COURTESY. Show them the money and every rule can be bent to ensure your work is done on priority.’’. But i am asking you why do you need to give them the money. You just give them money to get your things done as early as possible ? and then say that this Country is corrupt ? Well my experience say that if you want to get your things done any any of the government office in india, first thing which you should have is will power to fight against wrong thing, Patience, and ready with all the papers. When people go to any government office they often don’t have there papers ready or there is something missing in those papers which they don’t want to show to the government as a result they try to get there things done in other ways, which leads to the corruption. So i just request to all the readers of this review that have patience and fight back and see the result.

India is Democratic Country, so that means Government by the people of by their elected representatives. So its in your hand to elect your representative, if you don’t like them you have rights not to elect him or her. But here situation is such that either we don’t know the representative or we don’t have confidence on all the representatives. I think only way to over come of this is not to vote. I think we need some revolution to improve this situation. or we need to bring autocracy

This is the Land of GOD. People think that India is superstitious nation. But did any one even thought of the logic behind having so many gods in Hindu Culture. Well lets start with most loved god ’’Ganesh’’ Now Ganesh (means god of people) had 2 wives Riddhi (means fame) & Siddhi (means success). Now think of this in general, the person who has Name and Fame rules on people, so that person is Ganesh. Well if we move ahead, Ganesh had 2 sons, Shubh (means Goodness/pure) and Labh (means profit or prosperity). So if a person has name and fame, he can bring goodness and prosperity to this society. We also have the Godess of prosperity and money called Laxmi. I don’t need to say much about what money and prosperity means to all.We also have Godess of Knowledge ’’Saraswati’’. Which again is most important thing which a man kind has. Like these gods and Godess, Hindu says that all those things which in some way helps others is a God, after all God is the one who helps.

Now few things which makes you feel proud Indian some of these facts may be known to you. These facts were 
recently published in a German Magazine which deals with WORLD HISTORY FACTS ABOUT INDIA.

India invented the Number System. Zero was invented by Aryabhatta.

Sanskrit is the mother of all the European languages. Sanskrit is the most suitable language for computer software reported in 
Forbes magazine, The art of Navigation was born in the river Sindh 6000 years ago.

The very word Navigation is derived from the Sanskrit word NAVGATIH. The word navy is also derived from Sanskrit ’Nou’.

Algebra, trigonometry and calculus came from India; Quadratic equations were by Sridharacharya in the 11th Century;The 
largest numbers the Greeks and the Romans used were 10-6(10 to the powerof 6) whereas Indians used numbers as
big as 10-53(10 to the power of 53) with specific names as early as 5000 BC during the Vedic period.

USA based IEEE has proved what has been a century-old suspicion in the world scientific community that the pioneer of 
Wireless communication was Prof. Jagdeesh Bose and not Marconi.

The earliest reservoir and dam for irrigation was built in Saurashtra.

Chess (Shataranja or AshtaPada) was invented in India.


Albert Einstein saidWe owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile 
scientific discovery could have been made.

Mark Twain saidIndia is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history,the 
grandmother of legend, and the great grand mother of tradition. Our most valuable and most structive materials in the history of 
man are treasured up in India only.

French scholar Romain Rolland saidIf there is one place on the face of the earth where all the dreams of living 
men have found a home from the very earliest days when man began the dream of existence, it is India.

All the above is just the TIP of the iceberg, the list could be endless.

BUT, if we don’t see even a glimpse of that great India in the India that we see today, it clearly means that we are not working 
up to our potential and that if we do, we could once again ;

Be an ever shining and inspiring country setting a bright path for rest of the world to follow.

Say Proudly, I am a human from INDIA!!!!