Like many others i am also a normal middle class person whose bank balance of wishes and dreams is more then the green balance and income. So when the income is less and out flow is more we have to live under limitations, and that is what call as "LIMITED ZINDAGI".
Limited Zindagi is not only about money that we earn.. its also about dreams, our fantasies our super man inside our desire to do something and ending up in blaming the wish the dream that could not be accomplished. We want to live a life but at the same time we also don't want to live our life, and that is also Limited Zindagi.
I hope with this brief out line you know what i mean to say, if u don't pls. do send me comment.. you comments are and feedback are very important as its going to be transparent mirror for all of us.
Let the God bless all and love you country. It does not matter any more what the country and Gov. is doing for us but it is going to matter if you and me just be a normal person who know the proper place to throw the garbage and can also stop the one who is doing it, at least you can try once. Try it, it will end up as good effort, i am sure if nothing happens at least you will feel good from inside.